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Projects 2019

LMU PICambridge PIProjectLMU Faculty / DepartmentCambridge School / Faculty
Ackermann, Thomas Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Establishing New Contacts Faculty of Law School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / Law
Veigel, Claudia Buss, Folma Analysis of Myosin Motor Proteins Using Biophysical and Cell Biological Approaches. Faculty of Medicine / Cellular Physiology School of Clinical Medicine / Clinical Biochemistry
Heinzelmann, Nora Holton, Richard The Cambridge-LMU Moral Psychology Research Group. Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion / Philosophy School of Arts and Humanities / Philosophy
Egeler, Matthias Ní Mhaonaigh, Máire In the Footsteps of Fergal/Virgilius: Learned Connections Between North-Western and Southern Europe in the Middle Ages. Faculty of Languages and Literatures / Nordic Philology School of Arts and Humanities / Celtic and Medieval Studies
Meyer, Annette / Balme, Christopher O'Reilly, William Migration, Movement, Waiting: On Tensions Between Progress and Stagnation. Center for Advanced Studies in collaboration with Faculty of History and the Arts School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / History
Voigt, Katja / Petzl, Wolfram Hughes, Kate Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine School of the Biological Sciences / Veterinary Medicine
Mayerle, Julia / Stubbe, Hans Christian Kaser, Arthur Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Medicine / Klinikum School of Clinical Medicine / Gastroenterology
Fraser, Alexander Korhonen, Anna Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Languages and Literatures / Computational Linguistics School of Arts and Humanities / Modern and Medieval Languages
Burgi, Martin Gehring, Markus Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Law School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / Law
Ohly, Ansgar Bently, Lionel Artificial Intelligence: A Challenge for Intellectual Property law. Faculty of Law School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / Law
Klopstock, Thomas Chinnery, Patrick Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Mitochondiral Disorders. Faculty of Medicine / Klinikum School of Clinical Medicine / Neuroscience
Dichgans, Martin Markus, Hugh Uncovering the Mechanisms of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Through Genetic Approaches. Faculty of Medicine / Klinikum School of Clinical Medicine / Neuroscience
Perneczky, Robert  Rowe, James B.  Cambridge-Munich Dementia Initiative (CMDI) Faculty of Medicine / Klinikum School of Clinical Medicine / Neuroscience
Hofmann, Susanna  Yeo, Giles  Hypothalamic Targets of Diet and Exercise. Faculty of Medicine / Klinikum School of Clinical Medicine / Neuroscience
Jeremias, Irmela  Tzelepis, Konstantinos  Discovering Therapeutically Targetable Vulnerabilities in Acute Leukaemias. Faculty of Medicine / Klinikum School of the Biological Sciences / Gurdon Institute
Götz, Magdalena Franze, Kristian The Mechanics of the Adult Neural Stem Cell Niche. Faculty of Medicine / Biomedical Center School of the Biological Sciences / Neuroscience
Schäfer, Simon Johnson, Randall S. Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Medicine / Klinikum School of the Biological Sciences / Physiology and Pathology
Hilgendorff, Anne Marguerie, Anita  Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Medicine / Klinikum School of Clinical Medicine / Translational Research
Meißner, Markus  Waller, Ross  Molecular Interactions Between Protozoan Pathogens and Their Mammalian Hosts. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine School of the Biological Sciences / Biochemistry
Schulze Wessel, Martin Jahn, Hubertus New Perspectives in East and South East European Studies. Faculty of History and the Arts / History School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / History
Radner, Karen  Worthington, Martin Teaching and Researching the Assyrian Empire. Benchmarking Best Practice at Cambridge and Munich. Faculty of History and the Arts / History School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / Archeology
Haverkamp, Eva  Berend, Nora Establishing new contacts. Faculty of History and the Arts / History School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / History
Nickelsen, Kärin  Taub, Liba 


Establishing new contacts. Faculty of History and the Arts / History School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / History and Philosophy of Science 
Hartmann, Stephan  Price, Huw Decision Theory and the Future of Artificial Intelligence. Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion / Philosophy School of Arts & Humanities / Philosophy
Rapp, Christof Betegh, Gábor Cambridge–LMU Ancient Philosophy Partnership. Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion / Philosophy School of Arts & Humanities / Classics
Curiel, Erik  Butterfield, Jeremy Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion / Philosophy School of Arts & Humanities / Philosophy
Ehring, Thomas  Dalgleish, Tim Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences / Clinical Psychology School of Clinical Medicine / Neuroscience
Fischer, Frank  Hofmann, Riikka Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences / Education and Educational Psychology School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / Education
Udupa, Sahana  Anderson, Edward Opportunities & Challenges, Methods & Ethics. Faculty for the Study of Culture / Social and Cultural Anthropology School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / Politics and International Studies
Bielfeldt, Ruth  van Eck, Caroline The Object Talks Back. Bildwissenschaft and the Material Reception of Antiquity. Faculty for the Study of Culture / Classical Archaeology School of Arts and Humanities / Architecture and History of Art
Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola  Stoddart, Simon Pre-Roman European Urbanism in a Comparative Framework. Faculty for the Study of Culture / Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archeology School of the Humanities and Social Sciences / Archeology
Kauermann, Göran  Jin, Ying  A New Perspective for Understanding Peoples’ Travel in Germany and the UK. Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics / Statistics School of Arts & Humanities / Architecture and History of Art
Ercolano, Barbara   Clarke, Cathie The Thermochemistry of Protoplanetary Discs and Disc Winds. Faculty of Physics School of the Physical Sciences / Physics & Chemistry
Mukhanov, Viatcheslav  Shellard, Paul Unveiling the Structure of the Universe. Faculty of Physics School of the Physical Sciences / Mathematics
Weitz, Thomas Hofmann, Stephan Device Material Technology for the Future of Information Society. Faculty of Physics School of Technology / Engineering
Knote, Christoph Archibald, Alexander T. Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Physics School of the Physical Sciences / Physical Science
Tinnefeld, Philip  Keyser, Ulrich F. Physics of Biomolecular Systems Far From Equilibrium. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy / Chemistry School of the Physical Sciences / Physics
Frieß, Wolfgang Zeitler, Axel Establishing new contacts. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy / Pharmacy School of Technology / Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Papenfort, Kai Luisi, Ben


Molecular Mechanism of Riboregulation of Bacterial Metabolism. Faculty of Biology School of the Biological Sciences / Biochemistry
Schmahl, Wolfgang W. Harper, Elisabeth Adaptation of Biocomposite Shell Material: Relationship Between Biomaterial Structure and Composition with Measured and Modelled Mechanical Properties. Faculty of Geosciences / Earth and Environmental Sciences School of the Physical Sciences / Earth Sciences and Geography
Mauch, Christof Barua, Maan Explorations in Environment and Society. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society School of the Physical Sciences / Human Geography
Kuttner, Sven Purcell, Mark Establishing new contacts. University Library University Library