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Projects 2020-2023

LMU PICambridge PIProjectLMU FacultyCambridge School
Lüdemann, Susanne Colvin, Sarah Literature and the Rule of Law. Faculty of Languages and Literatures School of Arts and Humanities 
Berensmeyer, Ingo Mellor, Leo Signal and Sign: Prehistories of Connectivity. Faculty of Languages and Literatures School of Arts and Humanities 
Lenker, Ursula Niblaeus, Erik Intellectual Connections and Exchanges between Northwestern Europe and Southern Germany, c. 650-1200 Faculty of Languages and Literatures  School of Arts and Humanities
Selbitschka, Armin Sterckx, Roel The Materiality of Chinese Ritual. Faculty for the Study of Culture School of Arts and Humanities
Falter-Wagner, Christine Bekinschtein, Tristan Changes in Repetitive Behaviours and Sensory Hyper-Reactivity in Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC): Diurnal, Circadian and Homeostatic Considerations. Faculty of Medicine  School of Biological Sciences 
Parniske, Martin Schornack, Sebastian Plant Health - the Foundation for Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Faculty of Biology School of Biological Sciences
Hoch, Eva Ersche, Karen Predicting Addiction: Identifying Early Markers in Patients at Risk for Addiction. Faculty of Medicine  School of Clinical Medicine 
Schulze, Thomas G. Ghevaert, Cedric Cerebral Organoids from Patient Derived iPS cells. Faculty of Medicine School of Clinical Medicine
Baumeister, Philipp Rosenfeld, Nitzan Analysis of Circulating Tumour DNA for Therapy Planning and Surveillance in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer. Faculty of Medicine School of Clinical Medicine
Fischer, Karsten Bourke, Richard Visitng Scholars Faculty of Social Sciences School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Janka, Markus Foster, Frances From Classical Mythology to Contemporary Education in Britain and Germany. Faculty of Languages and Literatures School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Patel, Kiran Klaus Pinto, Pedro Ramos CALM PhD Training Collaboration in the Contemporary History of "Global Europe". Faculty of History and the Arts School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Schorch, Philipp Thomas, Nicholas Museum Futures: Material Culturres of Ethnography and Natural History as Archives of Environmental Knowledge. Faculty for the Study of Culture School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Lang, Matthias Zhang, Weilong Cambridge-LMU PhD Partnership in Economics. Faculty of Economics School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Birner, Thomas Haynes, Peter Visiting Scholars Faculty of Physics School of Physical Sciences
Birner, Thomas Alexander T. Archibald  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Modelling: Development of hands on tools for training the next generation of scientists. Faculty of Physics School of Physical Sciences
Wachtler, Thomas Öztireli, Cengiz Neural Mechanisms in Vision for Digitally Augmented Reality. Faculty of Biology School of Technology
Ackermann, Thomas Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning Private Rights and Public Autonomy in a Fragmented World. Faculty of Law School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Veigel, Claudia Buss, Folma Analysis of Myosin Motor Proteins Using Biophysical and Cell Biological Approaches. Faculty of Medicine School of Clinical Medicine
Petzl, Wolfram Hughes, Kate Development of a New Experimental Toolkit to Study Small Ruminant Mastitis. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine School of Biological Sciences
Fraser, Alexander Korhonen, Anna Multilingual Natural Language Processing. Faculty of Languages and Literatures  School of Arts and Humanities
Dichgans, Martin Markus, Hugh Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Vascular Cognitive Impairment - Exploiting Genetics to Develop and Test New Treatment Approaches. Faculty of Medicine  School of Clinical Medicine 
Perneczky, Robert  Rowe, James B.  Visiting Scholars Faculty of Medicine School of Clinical Medicine
Perneczky, Robert Rittman, Timothy Understanding the Relationship between Brain Structure and Function in Dementia. Faculty of Medicine School of Clinical Medicine 
Hofmann, Susanna  Yeo, Giles  Hypothalamic Targets of Diet and Exercise. Faculty of Medicine  School of Clinical Medicine 
Hilgendorff, Anne Marguerie, Anita  STAR TRACK. STrategic Alliance to initiate paRtnerships in TRAnslational Cardiopulmonary research. Faculty of Medicine  School of Clinical Medicine
Meissner, Markus  Waller, Ross  Molecular Interactions Between Protozoan Pathogens and Their Mammalian Hosts. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine School of Biological Sciences 
Radner, Karen  John Weisweiler The Neo-Assyrian Empire: Digital and Comparative Approaches. Faculty of History and the Arts School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nickelsen, Kärin  Margócsy, Dániel


The Histories of Plants and Humans. Faculty of History and the Arts School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Hartmann, Stephan  Price, Huw Decision Theory and the Future of Artificial Intelligence. Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion School of Arts and Humanities
Rapp, Christof Betegh, Gábor Moral Psychology Ancient and Modern: The Cambridge-LMU Group. Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion School of Arts and Humanities
Curiel, Erik  Aron Wall Black Holes and Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime. Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion School of Arts and Humanities
Bielfeldt, Ruth  van Eck, Caroline The Object Talks Back. Material Reception of Antiquity: Recounstruction, Restoration and Display. Faculty for the Study of Culture  School of Arts and Humanities
Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola  Stoddart, Simon Collaborative Graduate School in Archeology. Faculty for the Study of Culture School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Weller, Jochen Shellard, Paul Unveiling the Structure of the Universe. Faculty of Physics School of Physical Sciences
Tinnefeld, Philip  Keyser, Ulrich F. Single Molecule Sensors and Nanosystems - a Self-Organized Student Network. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy School of Physical Sciences
Spanjol, Jelena Grimes, Matthew Beyond Citations: How Enterpreneurship and Innovation Researchers (Should) Create Impact. Faculty of Business Administration - Munich School of Management Judge Business School